Can't you hear them singing: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"? | | | | | | | | |
With hot, itchy sweaters layered over our Christmas clothes, we lined up to model our ugly sweaters so the voting could begin. Those that didn't wear a sweater (mostly the men-but Brad did wear one and opted out of the contest because he decided a pilly sweater just didn't qualify) got to vote for the "Ugliest Sweater". The question everyone asked was, "What's the criteria?" We had none. I suppose we could have spent hours searching online to see what others considered the criteria to be, but we just told everyone to vote for the one they thought was the ugliest. Some ugly sweater creators (Mom and Ro) went above and beyond ugly and had to attach lights and sing, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas!"
Here's a preview of the other sweaters. Can you choose a winner?
I'd actually buy Kelsey's and wear it to school...only if it came with the bell crown! Poor Karen. Mona and I wanted the sweater off her back to make mittens! Mona got it. The little cotton balls were hot glued, so if you get a mint green pair of mittens someday with little scraps of white cotton, it's just the remains of an ugly sweater. |
Another keeper-are these really ugly or just festive? |
All the rest. Well...you can't even see mine and it got the most votes (3)!! Maybe it was "Butt Ugly"! | |
From left to right: Nikki-Ugly Sweater Organizer and buyer of gifts for prizes, Kim-Ugliest Sweater 2012, Kelsey-Ugliest Sweater Runner Up 2012. |
If we do it again in 2013, maybe we need to call it something else. I don't know: tacky, creative, festive, hideous, obnoxious...What do you think?
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